Monday 26 November 2012

Planning Editing Styles

Why is editing important?

Editing is part of the post-production process of filmmaking. Editing is important because this is the part of the production that brings all the raw clips together. They put the film together and make sure that every part is in the correct place. They also edit other aspects such as the speed of the film, they can slow it down or make it faster, they can change the colouring and colour correct the clips, they put transitions between the clips and make the clips into a film.

What types of editing styles will you include in your thriller and why?

We will have a montage of clips that will increase the suspension because a montage sequence consists of a series of short shots that are edited into a sequence to condense narrative and we will also change the timing of cuts, we will make them slower to create tension to let the audience know something will happen. We will include straight cuts, which Shot A abruptly ends and Shot B abruptly begins so we will be going from clip to clip as we want to keep people aware and tense. We will also have a couple jump cuts otherwise the sequence the clip will get too long and will possibly bore the audience.

How will your editing styles help to make your thriller conventional?

They will add effect and emotions to the thriller. The audience will be anticipating what will happen next and who the killer is; it will add tension and suspension to put the audience on the edge of their seats. We wont the audience to be apart of the film and connect with the characters. We wont to make an atmosphere that brings the audience in so they are easy to scare. the clip will be fast paced, clear and the audience will see the feelings that the editor wants to put across.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in considering the different editing styles that you would like to include within your thriller film.

    However, you need to include more points on the styles that you would like to include, this will help to make your post more detailed.
