Thursday 6 December 2012

opening sceneration

Our opening scene has been planned out so that the audience know that something bad is going on in the background and but at the same time the woman hasn't got a clue until the end. this is the way we have planned the camera shots and the props that have been used. for example one of the camera shots is in the kitchen and you can see one of the killers but the woman doesn't. the house is going to be dimly lit so that it creates shadows and makes the place look a bit more creepy. Then you see both of the killers but they are masked with a German WW2 gas mask and this creates mystery and puts fear into the character and the audience. we have also used reflections and parts that make the killers look like Yeliz is going crazy.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Mise-en-Scene Group

The different categories we need to follow in order to have a successful thriller are:
  • Lighting
  • Clothing
  • Iconography
  • Body language/expressions
  • Positioning of character(s)

There will be three main light sources. There will be light from outside which will be the back lighting. The lamps will be used as main light as to keep the room dark enough to keep to the common conventions to thriller films. The filler lighting will be a combination of different light all over the house and will be used antagonistically. We will use the fridge light to fill the lighting in the kitchen whereas the back lighting in the living room will be a lamppost and a dim flood light to just increase the power of the lamp post.  These lights are very slight so will not be very obvious but will give us the slight bit of light needed. We will use low key lighting to keep to the common conventions to a 'typical' thriller film. This is to create shadows so the characters look intimidating and allow the audience to see what is not directly in the camera shot. The lighting will help create key conventions of a thriller opening, this will also help us show insight to the characters in it because it shows that the villains do not want to be seen and are very secretive because they do it when no-one else is around and when they cant be seen.

Costume Design

For the victim, we want to make her as vulnerable as possible so we have put her into pyjamas.  This shows that she weak and that the killers unexpected arrival has confused her and taken her by surprise. The killers will be dressed all in black whilst their faces will be covered with German gas masks and these show a little into the villains past and into their lives. This is to put fear and an unknown  identity so the victim doesn't know who they are and what they are doing. This is important to the conventions of a thriller because it shows that they wont to be seen but not identified so that the audience is suspicious into who it is.


For the props we will be using a small range; a phone, a door, a glass, a bed, a bottle, a fridge, and gas masks. we are going to use all of these because each plays a part in what the killer is doing. as the door and the phone are going to tell the audience that something is going to happen to the character because you know that there is a killer in the house and outside. the cup of water is the excuse for the lady to get out of bed which then leads into the rest of the story and finally the masks are for the killers to hide there faces and to add a fear affect to them. The phone is used to scare the audience and the character linking the two together.

Body Language/ Facial Expressions

The body language of the victim will first of all be calm and tired as she has just gotten out of bed to get her water very early in the morning. As the clip goes on she becomes more tense and weary as she has starts to get anxious and paranoid because she keeps hearing/ seeing things. Then finally to the end she is petrified and all her body language shows this by the way she is constantly moving, she looks like she is going to cry and burst out screaming. whilst all this is happening the killer looks like he is under control and is calm like everything that has happened has gone to plan. this is all to create fear and tension to put the audience onto the edge of their seats.


We will position the Positioning of the character. All through the scene in the bedroom you notice the girl is always right up to the camera showing that she is the victim and the killer is a mid range to a long range to the camera showing the he is the killer because you can always see what he I doing. This tells the audience abut the characters and knows when something is about to happen creating tension.

Monday 3 December 2012

planning sound

Planning sound

Why sound is important in thrillers

Sound in thrillers is very important to create suspense and to set a scene/mood of what the director wants. For example if you want to create a mood of fear you have fast past, strong beats, and in a minor key. If you want excitement you want it in a major key as major represents a happy mood. There are different types of sound in films as one being Diegetic and one being Non-Diegetic. There are also others but these are the main ones.
For the opening sequence we are going to use a range or sounds and three of these are; The opening, The phone and A door opening.

For the opening sequence we will be using a song by John Murphy called ‘In a heart beat’. This song is slow and builds up and it creates suspension and tension as all the other instruments come in and the chords that they play are Minor, which creates fear. This song lets the audience know that something bad is going to happen and because it is over the main character they know that something is going to happen to her. This creates a relationship with the audience and the character and shares their emotions and feelings.

The second sound that we will have is a phone ringing; this is for the character when she answers the phone. We are using this because we want the phone to be disabled so that the no actually calls during he recording. And then we need a sound for when the phone is disconnected to show that the phone line has been cut.

The third sound we will be using is a creaking door as we want there to be an opening door sound but it wont be on camera and the character will be in a different room meaning that we would not be able to her the sound in real life. This door opening tells the audience that someone is entering the house, which will create suspense as they are wondering what is going to happen next.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Character Representation

There are three characters in our opening. There are two villains and one victim.

Character 1:

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Turkish

Character Background: Yeliz is a single lady that live by herself with no friends or family that is close. she has just moved into to the area and has not yet spoke to her neighbors due to the language barrier of being Turkish.

Connection to the audience: because Yeliz is alone and doesn't know somebody, she is weak and innocent and this makes a good thriller convention because these men are are big and strong so she cant defend herself. Also she is small and one of the killers is a lot bigger than her.

Character 2:

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: German

Character Background: This character has a history of a certain type of mental illness. this type means that he thinks he lives in the past and as a different person. in this case he thinks that he is his farther who was a German soldier in World War 2. his uncle fought as a front line trooper at the time that gas attacks were imminent. his father died by gas poison which is why this character wears a gas mask.

Character 3:

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White British

Character Background: He is a very young, high earning business man who has everything he could ever want. but his Dad who owns the company that he works for has noticed that he is not acting right and doesn't turn up to work all of the time which is unusual as he has never missed a day. His Dad has noticed that he has been having secret meetings with someone who is new to the area, this guy is from Ukraine. He also started to notice that he was wearing old fashioned clothes and is starting to speak as if he was from the 1940's. This guy also has a collection of WW2 artefacts like an old Kar 98.

Connection to the audience:

The audience never actually see the men in this opening clip and why they are doing this and this makes the audience suspicious and weary of what might happen which would make them want to watch the whole film.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Film Credits

The purpose of the opening film credits are to state and tell you who are the producers, production company and other important people who are key to the production.


The colour of the text was white on a black background this makes the text stand out and makes it seem creepy and suspicious. The rest of the video clips for this section are also dull colours almost black and white apart form the blood which is a bright red, his shows death.

The style of the Credits 

there is a creepy style to the credits in this film as the words are not aligned straight this is because they are written at an angle and some letters are bigger then others. It also looks like t has been scratched onto the background, this shows that some has been tortured or that the killer is not mentally there. At the same time they were being flashed onto the screen, this males the audience scared and anticipated onto the edge of there seats. but the pictures behind are also flickering as if it is being played on an old time news real making it even more scarier.


this is perfect for the conventions of a thriller because it is dark, the is creepy music that the tempo and he dynamics are increased for certain times of the clip. There is blood unclear clips, a crazy man in the background that is writing, sowing and using a blade to scrap his fingers. All of this creates fear, tension, and anticipation. The clips also show that the guy is a stalker as he is cutting up pictures, cross them out and writing up about them. also all the clips are a montage so the clips are changing within a couple of seconds.

Oder of Appearance

There is a list of people who are important and they come in a certain order, this order is as follows; Production Company, Director, Actor, Title of film, Actors Continued, Casting, Music Costume, Editor, Production, Camera Operator, Co-producer, Producer, Writing, and again the director because he is so important and famous.


The text in this clip is all capital and is in different colours with different names. some are red, some are white and some are black. some of the names just appear while some are written on paper and on see through plastic.


The style of the opening credits are similar to the last clip as it is all dark mainly black and white. The text also flickers on the screen and this time they have shadows behind them making them stand out but at the same time they are hidden like there is something to hide which goes very well with batman as he is some that people know but yet is never seen. Even at the start where the makers and the production teams logos and introduction clips are black and white.


because the clip is dark and things are hard to see it conveys that someone doesn't want to be found and they attack when no one knows where he is coming from who he is and what he is. This is conventional to a thriller as the audience has to try and figure out the mystery and this puts them on the edge of there seats with excitement and fear. Also the dark colours represents evil and death so you know that people are going to die. there are also photos of people which tells you that the killer/villain is after specific people and this gives you insight to who the characters are because the pictures match up with the names of the actors but they never show who the villian is so there is that secrecy that you have to figure out.

order of appearance

The order of appearance go as followed: Warner Bros., Legendary pictures, DC Comics, Syncopy, Warner Bros., Legendary pictures, DC Comics, Syncopy, Director, title, Actors, Characters by Bob Kane, Screen Play by..., Executive producers, and Dirctors. It is in this order as it goes through the most important roles in the production of the movie then it repeats the director because he is the mot important.

Group Analysis and Ideas

As a group we have discussed the different credits and which ones we liked and preferred. We like the used of motion tracking in other opening credits that we have seen and we also like the idea of white text on the background but with a glow like it would be a light. An example of this is:

But we want it to be white or more suitable colours. we want them to be gloomy and dark or at least the rest of the shot to be dim white a bright white text. one of the fonts that we liked we saw when we were watching a youtube video, the font is called optic and it has sharp edges that resemble a knife. this font was obtained from

Another font that we liked was called face your fears and this was also from this style looks like it is blood painted onto something which shows death and this is the font that we will be using. We want this font because it gives insight to what's going to happen in the future of the film. This will be the font that we will use because it is more conventional to a thriller

Monday 26 November 2012

Planning Editing Styles

Why is editing important?

Editing is part of the post-production process of filmmaking. Editing is important because this is the part of the production that brings all the raw clips together. They put the film together and make sure that every part is in the correct place. They also edit other aspects such as the speed of the film, they can slow it down or make it faster, they can change the colouring and colour correct the clips, they put transitions between the clips and make the clips into a film.

What types of editing styles will you include in your thriller and why?

We will have a montage of clips that will increase the suspension because a montage sequence consists of a series of short shots that are edited into a sequence to condense narrative and we will also change the timing of cuts, we will make them slower to create tension to let the audience know something will happen. We will include straight cuts, which Shot A abruptly ends and Shot B abruptly begins so we will be going from clip to clip as we want to keep people aware and tense. We will also have a couple jump cuts otherwise the sequence the clip will get too long and will possibly bore the audience.

How will your editing styles help to make your thriller conventional?

They will add effect and emotions to the thriller. The audience will be anticipating what will happen next and who the killer is; it will add tension and suspension to put the audience on the edge of their seats. We wont the audience to be apart of the film and connect with the characters. We wont to make an atmosphere that brings the audience in so they are easy to scare. the clip will be fast paced, clear and the audience will see the feelings that the editor wants to put across.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Cinematography Group

Thrillers are made up of various camera shots to create different feelings and emotions and this helps to convey what the character is feeling. they engage the audience and open them up to be scary scenes that will make them jump.

The first camera shot that we will be including in out thriller is a panning shot. this shot is of Yeliz when she is in bed, this is to show who the main character in this film is going to be. This also tells you that she will be the victim, this is to get the audience's attention and so they will have a bind with this character so if anything is happening to her the suspence and tension will be higher.

The second shot we will include is a mid shot from outside of the window in the front door. this is also a POV of one of the bad guys. this is to let the audience know that someone is there and that the woman is in danger. this shot is also intriducing this first vilain, this is showing him to be a stalker and its also showing that he is very good at not being seen telling you that he will be hard to find after he has commited a crime.

A third shot is a close up, this is when Yeliz is getting a drink out of the fridge this shot is as important to telling you what is going to happen. This is to put the story together so it doesnt just cut to her pouring a drink of water.

The last shot that i will analysing in our thriller is a POV from Yeliz and from this you can see that she has seen someone through the relection of the glass cupboard door. this shot lets you know that Yeliz can see/ kows that someone is there and that something is going to happen. this is to create tension, supension and fear for not only te character but woth the audience and this is a convention that we really wanted to capture escpecially because as it is a thriller openintg

We have used these camera shots to get the audience involved with the film building a relationship with them and the characters. We want to create an atmosphere that the audience knew somehting was about to happen but we didnt let the character know until almost the end.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Production Roles

Camera Operator: Orcun and Arthur, this is because they know the story the best and they have a really  good idea of what needs to happen.

            A Camera Operators job is to assemble and set up the equipment that is required he also plans, prepares and rehearses scenes. The camera operator also has to follow the camera scripts, must have creative framing and captures action responding quickly to directions. They also liaise with he lighting and technician staff.

Actors: Sam and Orcun, this is because we have good hight making it better to be a villain because we are taller than the victim.

An Actor is in front of the camera and plays roles on stage, tv, radio, video and motion pictures. The must be good at copying the role that they are hired for. For example a Comic role, Action role, Depressed and sometimes are asked to sing and dance so they also need to be good in these areas.

Sound Technician: Sam, Harry, Arthur, Orcun, 

A sound technician is someone who sets up the equipment that is need to produce music, voices, and sound effects. They have to be able to use various tools such as microphones, mixers, amps, and speakers for indoor arenas, halls, studios and movie scenes.

Editors: Sam, Harry, Arthur, Orcun

An editor goes through the footage of a film once it has been filmed and selects the best scenes depending on the mood and dramatic scene that is need. They also trim segments add effects to those segments, makes cure the colour is correct if not they correct it to make the film flush. They add transitions, special effects, sound, music, and dialogue using his editing equipment. They put the whole film together making sure it is perfect for its purpose.

Film Director: Arthur, Arthur is the most experinced in film making and directing so he is the director since he is most suited for the role.

The film director is in charge of bringing the written narrative to the big screen so you are seeing what you reading. They also must have organising skills and technical skills so they are helping others grab the image that is in their mind.

Location Manager: Harry, Sam, We are filming in Harry's house so it is his location were we are filming and the second part of the film is recorded in Sam's garden which is his location, therefore they are both the ones organising the location, becoming the location managers.

The location manager finds a location suitable for a scene and for the entire movie. They make sure the weather is correct for the scene. Sometimes they have to find places all over the world for example Lord of the Rings was shot in New Zealand. If there is any problem with the location they sort it out and they have to make sure it is capable to film and have euipment there

Storyboard Organiser: Orcun and Arthur, Arthur and Orcun thought up the whole concept and story of the thriller so they will be the ones who will be coordinating the story correctly, since they are most clear of it and what they want the story to be filmed like.

This person makes sure the film is being shot in the right order of the story board and that the story board is correct to the idea that has been put forward.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Individual Storyboard

Can't upload, i need to bring them in on monday

Group Storyboard

History of The Thriller Genre

Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film, and television programming that uses suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements. It first came popular in America after the assassination of President Kennedy and an example of the directors of these films is the famous Hitchcock. There are usually us genres that are in thrillers and these can be psychological thrillers, crime thrillers and mystery thrillers. It group is a film that provides thrills and excitement that puts the audience on the edge of their seats as the plot builds to a climax. The highest point of tension usually comes when the victim is placed in an uncertain situation were the audience don't know what will happen to them. For an example when their life is being threatened by the killer who usually no one knows who he actually is. Thriller is also very closely coincided  with the horror genre which means there is usually a lot of blood and violence and there is always death but they both use atmosphere to grab the audiences attention. Thrillers are used in many ways to create an atmosphere which excites, thrills and entices the audience to carry on watching a film. This is done in several ways, such as through the use of lighting, mise-en-scene and also with the added use of non digetic and digetic music. The thriller genre was a popular genre during the past fifty years and is still increasingly popular within the industry today. There are many modern films such as Inception and the Dark Night Rises that are being lover the consumer and it is an ever growing genre that is widely regarded.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Prem Task

The purpose of the Preliminary task was to experiment with camera shots, editing style and sound styles and  to have a visual of each type of shot/style. There are some strengths and some weaknesses that are shown in this and some of these are:
Weakness; the story was not scripted so when we were taking different shot in the same conversation the actors were in different precisions and the conversation didn't flow well. there was also to many shot changes which made the clip look really bad especially at the start.
Strengths; when we changed shoulder angles we did it in different takes so that the camera is never seen.

with this task we now know that we shouldn't have so many shots for one small sequence as it gets to crowded. we also know to have a script but a script that can be improvised so its just a guide line but when different shots are being taken they must remember what they said and they must stay in the same position

Vox Props

We chose to go around and interview people because we wanted to get feedback for the questionnaire that we created. We wanted to do this so we know what conventions people like to see in a thriller film. We asked a range of questions so we know what content we should put in, what age to aim towards, what's attracts people to watch these types of films.

From these interviews we found out that people like the suspense and tension that is within a thriller, something that builds up to a point of uncertainty. We also found that they like it to be enjoyable, scary and play mind games. We also found that they don't only watch thriller films once a month if that so we need to make really good so that we can either make them watch it a few times or to get them more interested in thrillers.



1. Gender?

Male     Female

2. How old are you? 

<12       12<18     18<21    21<28    28<

3. What thriller certification do you prefer in a thriller? 

12      15    18

4. What pulls you in to a thriller film? 

TV Advertisement        By mouth      Posters        YouTube Ad’s       Other 

5. What are your expectations for a thriller film? 

Weapons        Masks        Flash Backs       Goodie/badie        Vulnerable woman 

6. What types of sound do you like in a thriller film? 

Tension sounds        Suspense sound       Sound effects       Horror  Natural   Other  

7. Would you like a sequel to your film? 

Yes      No

8. What characters do you like to watch in a thriller film? 

Group        Young       Other

9. What type of actors do you expect to see in a thriller film? 


10. What settings do you expect in thrillers? 


11. What other genres do do you think runs well with a thriller? 

Comedy      Action      Adventure     Crime     Gangster      Other 

12. What do you like the film to be for? 

Inform     Instruct      Educate       Entertain     To Scare You

Group Narrative

Group Narrative

My Idea:

From all of the the research I have done I have got an idea of the location, lighting, characters and iconography that I should use in my clip. It would be set in an estate with a big field or wod nearby and there is a character who is vulnerable or is being stalked. Walking dog ate night in the woods and there is a dark figure that you see running from tree to tree but you never see him/her. But she is ok then she goes through her day working but there is someone following her but still you never see his face. She starts to creep out as she knows that someone's following her so she invites some of her friends to co e and stay with her. Power goes off and they all get scared the tv turns on but it's fuzzy and makes a loud noise that scares them even more. Then there's a flash of lighting and the killers face appears in the window. So they all run to the top floor and try and call the police but the phone line has been cut and there's a bang which is the front door opening and the killer walks in and straight up the stairs as if he knows where she is hiding but he is shouting there's no where to hide and as he opens the door where they are hiding one of her friends throws something and they get out of the bathroom and they try and run but at the bottom of the stairs there is another man and both killers trap them and torched them until one escapes. The end.

A few of my ideas are from past thriller movies for example the masked men are from the strangers as there is more than one killer who is after the girls and the torcher sequence is from the human centipede as in this film there are 3 people who have been sown together. I will use lighting and sound effects from The Strangers also because my film is based in a similar condition, in a house.

Advantages: The advantages of my film is that the women all trapped and have no-where to go and this makes them vulnerable and this is a thriller convention.

Disadvantages: There is to much pact into a short space of time, this means there would have to be a lot of jump cuts which wouldn't look good

Harry's Idea:

The narrative to my thriller film should be decided by 4 key conventions. The Genre, witch would be a thriller so will limit the other 3 conventions. The Characters, witch have to follow the codes and techniques to a thriller genre so will be traditionally be a helpless female who runs up the stairs instead of out the door. The Time and Setting are the other two. They again have to follow the traditional techniques of the Genre, as it is the most important and deciding factor. The setting will be a dark secluded place with dark lighting and limited access to towns and villages. The Time will be as realistic as possible to get the audience to show a natural reaction to the clip.

My idea was to have a woman alone in a cabin. She is there with new friends but while she's asleep they mysteriously disappear. She wakes up and finds a not saying they've gone out for drinks. She thinks its a bit weird but thinks nothing really of it. Later on she finds a load of her stuff has been looked through and she starts to become suspicious. Noises and blatant change in iconography show tension build. She starts to see silhouettes in doorways and becomes panicked. She reaches for the phone and the line is dead. She runs to the door and swings it open and one of the friends is right there.

Advantages: It is set in a forest in a cabin which is a good thriller convention because the cabin is the only one for miles and this makes the victim vulnerable.

Disadvantages: You straight away know who the villains are but i think that they should be hidden so no-one knows who they are.

Arthur's Idea:

Starts of with camera moving across the ground at ground level. This will be the opening credits, the text is motion tracked with movement of the ground, featuring out names (credits). Ends with a small scream, which then transitions into the first scene.

First scene is extreme close up of the woman’s eye. Which then opens (the eye) where she is scared and breathing heavily and this point the camera shot zooms out into a medium shot. She then sits up looks over to a glass which is empty so she gets out of bed and goes to the kitchen where on the way the audience see the villain but the character does not. Whilst this is building tension the women then puts the tap on and fills here cup with water. The camera is facing her where as the camera is placed on the side where the tap is. The audience then see the villain in the background whilst the woman character does not, this builds loads of suspense. Then lighting (thunder) flashes and you get a better view of the villain then see the villain disappear. The women now turns around whilst drinking her water in relief. You then see the kitchen door creaking open which then you hear a thump and a black cat runs through, the women picks up the cat and turns around to go back to her bedroom and there is the villain right there where she bumps into the villain and screams she drops the cat and runs away in which on the way comes across the front door which is being banged on. She locks herself in her room in which she is very scared and reaching over to grab her home phone in which the line cut out whilst calling a friend number. She then screams and hides under her bed, it then becomes very silent you hear footsteps coming towards the door and then banging on the door. Then it changes into a POV shot and sees the door being opened and the villain walking in which you see him walking around then dropping on the floor so you have an extreme close up of the villain for around 1 second then screams and then it ends.

Advantages: The clip doesn't show to much into the characters and the killers

Disadvantages: It seems like there film would be very short s the killer already has the victim

Orcun's Idea:

a female character who is presumably the victim of the opening scene to my thriller narrative, will have woken up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. She is petrified and has not come to her senses once she has woken, she is breathing rapidly and needs a drink of water to ease her throat. she leans over to the glass on her bedside draw but there is only a drop of water remaining, this results in her stepping out of bed and heading of downstairs for more water. she will open the fridge once in the kitchen with the camera placed in the fridge so that we can see the look on her face as she searches for water. when she places the glass on the table there will be a figure in the glass door behind her, she will see his refelction on the window of the cupboard and spin around to catch them in action but to only find there is no one there.

The telephone starts ringing in the front room, on the window sill. she picks it up and hears a muffled voice which screeches through the phone line, this fades into a beeping effect which means the phone call has ended. someone is banging on the back door which she immediately drops the phone and runs to the front door, to find it half open. when somebody knocks on the second front door she runs back insinde to find the phone hooked back up, remembering she dropped it it confuses her.

Advantages: very exciting, fast pasted start and would grab the audiences attention.

Disadvantages: we would need a very big house for this as there is two front doors so it would be hard to accommodate for.

Final Narrative:

Opening credits are pasted onto walls and they will be lit up

We discussed and came up with this idea from using mainly Orcun's and Arthur's idea because we likd the fast pasted excitement. We took the main idea from Orcun's, for the girl having a nightmare and her going round the house scared.  

Friday 12 October 2012

Narrative Theory

Narrative theory is something that directors follow when writing their storyline. There are three main theories:

Vladimir propp - a narrative isn't important in a film but having characters with different types of functions. (Fairy Tail) 
The hero - a character that seeks something 
The villain - who opposes or actively blocks the hero's quest
The donor - who provides an object with magical properties 
The dispatcher - who sends the hero
The false hero - who disrupts the hero's success 
The helper - who aids the hero
The princess - acts as the reward for the hero
Her father - who acts to reward the hero

Todorov theory

It's not about characters but aboutEquilibrium and disequilibrium. 
A beginning - Everything is nice and happy
A middle - something goes wrong
An end - At the end everything is better


Not about characters or narrative but about the themes in a film
Inciting incident
Dramatic question
Character goal

Explain which theory you will use in your film and why?

For my thriller film I am going to chose Aristotle's theory because I don't want the victim to survive and I want the killer to get away so it leaves it open for a sequel which is why I'm not choosing Todorov. I also only want It to have a few main characters such as victims, killer, and someone searching for the victim which is why I haven't chosen Vladimir propp's theory. I have  based it around themes which is good for a thriller because you want a large amount of codes and conventions of my theme. 


Ideas for the narrative of my thriller

A narrative is the story line within the film, it is important for a thriller as the plot opens up in a way that isn't expected.

This is a brief story line to my film if all of it was made:

From all of the the research I have done I have got an idea of the location, lighting, characters and iconography that I should use in my clip. It would be set in an estate with a big field or wod nearby and there is a character who is vulnerable or is being stalked. Walking dog ate night in the woods and there is a dark figure that you see running from tree to tree but you never see him/her. But she is ok then she goes through her day working but there is someone following her but still you never see his face. She starts to creep out as she knows that someone's following her so she invites some of her friends to co e and stay with her. Power goes off and they all get scared the tv turns on but it's fuzzy and makes a loud noise that scares them even more. Then there's a flash of lighting and the killers face appears in the window. So they all run to the top floor and try and call the police but the phone line has been cut and there's a bang which is the front door opening and the killer walks in and straight up the stairs as if he knows where she is hiding but he is shouting there's no where to hide and as he opens the door where they are hiding one of her friends throws something and they get out of the bathroom and they try and run but at the bottom of the stairs there is another man and both killers trap them and torched them until one escapes. The end.

A few of my ideas are from past thriller movies for example the masked men are from the strangers as there is more than one killer who is after the girls and the toucher sequence is from the human centipede as in this film there are 3 people who have been sown together. I will use lighting and sound effects from The Strangers also because my film is based in a similar condition, in a house.

What is a thriller film?

What Is A Thriller Film?

There are many Codes & Conventions to a thriller film. Some of these are as follow:
  • Enigma - a mystery is always set in a thriller, E.g. In Scream you don't know who the masked killer is.
  • Victim's characteristic - the victim is usually seen as weak and vulnerable and not able to help themselves in the situation in hand, E.g. The strangers where the lady tries to escape but isn't able to and is to scared so she hides in here bedroom.
  • Violence - the murderer always commits some form of violence towards the victim when killing them, E.g. in Scream 4 one of the victims is stabbed in the back.
  • Dramatic irony - the audience know who the killer is or who the next victim is.
  • Low key lighting - low key lighting creates shadows to create a feeling of fearfulness and this lets the audience know that something is about to happen to the character, E.g. Prom night in the bedroom scene.
  • Slow editing - slow editing is a term used when the editor has slowed down a shot to create tension and suspense.
  • Iconography - iconography is the the props that are used in the film, E.g. knifes, shelves if pulled down.
  • Non-Diegetic - this is sound that is heard but you cant see it on the screen this can be voices from a character that is off screen or music that is out over the top of the film, this can create suspense and tension and gives the audience an idea to what is about to happen.
Now i have stated some of the key Codes & Conventions about the thriller genre i will analysis the opening scene of "Saw 1" and show you what codes & Conventions are there:

Straight away you see a vulnerable character who was asleep in a bath full of water drowning and suddenly wakes up. This causes a shock to his system and he doesn't know what to do, in the process the water goes down the plug whole and this means he survives but he finds out that he is tied with a chain to a thick old pipe which is very strong. Whilst all this is happening the room is pitch black and you and he cant see anything so he starts to shout for help. Then a voice which is off screen, Non- Diegetic, calls out, this makes the audience try and guess who this character is, Is it another victim? or Is it the killer? Then the lights are turned on and there is a sense of enigma because you see that there is another character that is tied up but there is also another unknown character in the middle of the floor who is dead and has a gun in one hand and a dictaphone in the other hand. this confuses the audience because you would think that he was he killer but he is now dead so they don't know what's happening. There are also lots of iconography elements in this opening as there is a gun, dictaphone, chain, lock, bath, water and a key that floats down the plug hole. You also realise that they are in a big abandoned public toilet which hasn't been used for a long time. All of these create suspicion, tension and suspense which are key factors of the thriller genre.

Panic Room -

Straight away there are pan shots of a city like New York and there is soft but scary music in the background which is setting the scene. This gives you a brief idea of what is going to happen later on. Then you here a non diegetic sound of a woman talking but you can't see her and then it just cuts out. This sets the scene for the rest of the opening and an idea into the characters that you see. This opening doesn't really tell you that it is a thriller as there are not many codes and conventions that would suggest it.

I am going to take inspiration from saw 1 to create the opening scene for my group film. I will using lighting and sound to set a scene to what is going to happen and to also because it will be dark and loud, deep sounds it will make the audience anxious and scared. I will also have short clips to add tension and suspense. I will have diegetic and non diegetic sound to make the audience anxious low key lighting to make shadows, I will use all of the films that I have researched and analysed to create my film clip the betst I can.

Tuesday 9 October 2012


The BBFC controls the age ratings of films that enter the Uk. They decide what ages are appropriate for the content inside the film. These ratings are very important for the safety of the views because if a 5 year old was to watch saw they could be scared and mentally distorted at night, this could cause the film producers a lot of problems.

These are all the different types of film certifications:

  • Universal - people of all ages can view this film and all content is suitable. An example of this is the Jungle Book.

  • Parental Guides - people of all ages can watch it but some scenes may not be suitable for certain ages because of mild language or moderate language. An example is Enchanted

  • 12A - only people over the age of 12 can view this film unless accompanied by and adult. These films can contain mild drug references, moderate violence, sex maybe discretely portrayed. The first 12 A was the first Spider-Man.
  • 12 - 12 have the same guide lines as 12A apart from 12 year olds do not need an adult with them at the time to view the film.
  • 15 - no one younger than 15 is permitted to watch these films. These films may contain; hard drugs, frequent strong language,limited use of very strong language, strong violenc and sex, nudity is discreet.
  • 18 - no one younger then 18 is allowed to watch. These films may contain; bad language, hard drugs, explicite sex, sexual activity, strong real sex, very strong, gory and sadistic violence.
My film will be a 15 because there will strong violence and it will be too scary and violent for young people.

Monday 1 October 2012


Editing happens after all the shooting. It is used to add effects to the film to change the feelings and emotions which the film is trying to convey. For this analysis I will be looking at the film 'The Strangers'.

The first point is slow editing, in this scene there is a woman who is asking towards the door but through editing they made her walk a lot slower than what it is. This creates suspense and shows that she is hesitant and that she is scared. This gives the audience the same feelings that she is feeling which is important to a thriller.

The second shot that I will be analysing is a reaction shot. For this shot the woman is looking through her curtains and the camera is so close to her face to show her reaction and her emotions when the killer pops up into the window. This shows tension when she Is looking out the window and fear when she sees the killer.

My third and final editing feature is a jump cut. A jump cut is is a lack of continuity in the film clip so there is part of the story missing. I this case the woman is crawling on the floor to charge her phone and then she appears into her corridor walking into her bedroom.  This let's the audience know that the killer has moved and in its next position because of the time you didn't see what is happening. This cut is also sudden so you don't know wether something is about to jump out at you or what's about to happen. This is important for a thrill because the audience get suspicious, scared and anxious because they think they know what's about to happen.

Editing is very good way to convey feelings and emotions. It gives a good impression on the audience and changes the way they feel to make them open to fear. I will use editing techniques to impact the audience and create feelings and emotions that the acting wont do alone.