Thursday 25 October 2012

Group Narrative

Group Narrative

My Idea:

From all of the the research I have done I have got an idea of the location, lighting, characters and iconography that I should use in my clip. It would be set in an estate with a big field or wod nearby and there is a character who is vulnerable or is being stalked. Walking dog ate night in the woods and there is a dark figure that you see running from tree to tree but you never see him/her. But she is ok then she goes through her day working but there is someone following her but still you never see his face. She starts to creep out as she knows that someone's following her so she invites some of her friends to co e and stay with her. Power goes off and they all get scared the tv turns on but it's fuzzy and makes a loud noise that scares them even more. Then there's a flash of lighting and the killers face appears in the window. So they all run to the top floor and try and call the police but the phone line has been cut and there's a bang which is the front door opening and the killer walks in and straight up the stairs as if he knows where she is hiding but he is shouting there's no where to hide and as he opens the door where they are hiding one of her friends throws something and they get out of the bathroom and they try and run but at the bottom of the stairs there is another man and both killers trap them and torched them until one escapes. The end.

A few of my ideas are from past thriller movies for example the masked men are from the strangers as there is more than one killer who is after the girls and the torcher sequence is from the human centipede as in this film there are 3 people who have been sown together. I will use lighting and sound effects from The Strangers also because my film is based in a similar condition, in a house.

Advantages: The advantages of my film is that the women all trapped and have no-where to go and this makes them vulnerable and this is a thriller convention.

Disadvantages: There is to much pact into a short space of time, this means there would have to be a lot of jump cuts which wouldn't look good

Harry's Idea:

The narrative to my thriller film should be decided by 4 key conventions. The Genre, witch would be a thriller so will limit the other 3 conventions. The Characters, witch have to follow the codes and techniques to a thriller genre so will be traditionally be a helpless female who runs up the stairs instead of out the door. The Time and Setting are the other two. They again have to follow the traditional techniques of the Genre, as it is the most important and deciding factor. The setting will be a dark secluded place with dark lighting and limited access to towns and villages. The Time will be as realistic as possible to get the audience to show a natural reaction to the clip.

My idea was to have a woman alone in a cabin. She is there with new friends but while she's asleep they mysteriously disappear. She wakes up and finds a not saying they've gone out for drinks. She thinks its a bit weird but thinks nothing really of it. Later on she finds a load of her stuff has been looked through and she starts to become suspicious. Noises and blatant change in iconography show tension build. She starts to see silhouettes in doorways and becomes panicked. She reaches for the phone and the line is dead. She runs to the door and swings it open and one of the friends is right there.

Advantages: It is set in a forest in a cabin which is a good thriller convention because the cabin is the only one for miles and this makes the victim vulnerable.

Disadvantages: You straight away know who the villains are but i think that they should be hidden so no-one knows who they are.

Arthur's Idea:

Starts of with camera moving across the ground at ground level. This will be the opening credits, the text is motion tracked with movement of the ground, featuring out names (credits). Ends with a small scream, which then transitions into the first scene.

First scene is extreme close up of the woman’s eye. Which then opens (the eye) where she is scared and breathing heavily and this point the camera shot zooms out into a medium shot. She then sits up looks over to a glass which is empty so she gets out of bed and goes to the kitchen where on the way the audience see the villain but the character does not. Whilst this is building tension the women then puts the tap on and fills here cup with water. The camera is facing her where as the camera is placed on the side where the tap is. The audience then see the villain in the background whilst the woman character does not, this builds loads of suspense. Then lighting (thunder) flashes and you get a better view of the villain then see the villain disappear. The women now turns around whilst drinking her water in relief. You then see the kitchen door creaking open which then you hear a thump and a black cat runs through, the women picks up the cat and turns around to go back to her bedroom and there is the villain right there where she bumps into the villain and screams she drops the cat and runs away in which on the way comes across the front door which is being banged on. She locks herself in her room in which she is very scared and reaching over to grab her home phone in which the line cut out whilst calling a friend number. She then screams and hides under her bed, it then becomes very silent you hear footsteps coming towards the door and then banging on the door. Then it changes into a POV shot and sees the door being opened and the villain walking in which you see him walking around then dropping on the floor so you have an extreme close up of the villain for around 1 second then screams and then it ends.

Advantages: The clip doesn't show to much into the characters and the killers

Disadvantages: It seems like there film would be very short s the killer already has the victim

Orcun's Idea:

a female character who is presumably the victim of the opening scene to my thriller narrative, will have woken up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. She is petrified and has not come to her senses once she has woken, she is breathing rapidly and needs a drink of water to ease her throat. she leans over to the glass on her bedside draw but there is only a drop of water remaining, this results in her stepping out of bed and heading of downstairs for more water. she will open the fridge once in the kitchen with the camera placed in the fridge so that we can see the look on her face as she searches for water. when she places the glass on the table there will be a figure in the glass door behind her, she will see his refelction on the window of the cupboard and spin around to catch them in action but to only find there is no one there.

The telephone starts ringing in the front room, on the window sill. she picks it up and hears a muffled voice which screeches through the phone line, this fades into a beeping effect which means the phone call has ended. someone is banging on the back door which she immediately drops the phone and runs to the front door, to find it half open. when somebody knocks on the second front door she runs back insinde to find the phone hooked back up, remembering she dropped it it confuses her.

Advantages: very exciting, fast pasted start and would grab the audiences attention.

Disadvantages: we would need a very big house for this as there is two front doors so it would be hard to accommodate for.

Final Narrative:

Opening credits are pasted onto walls and they will be lit up

We discussed and came up with this idea from using mainly Orcun's and Arthur's idea because we likd the fast pasted excitement. We took the main idea from Orcun's, for the girl having a nightmare and her going round the house scared.  

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some group planning. You have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each group member, but now you need to explain what the group narrative will contain in more detail
