Monday 1 October 2012


 Sound analysis 

Sounds are used to create emotions that the image might not e.g. Tension, suspense, fear and other such emotions to get the audience open to be scared easier. This is very important for thrillers because you want the biggest reaction out of each scene. In this analysis I will looking at the sound in the film trailer of 'Final Destination 1'.

Car engines are a type of on screen sound this means that you can see where the sound is coming from. You can see the NAS cars going round the track and you can hear their engines roaring. Because of this loud noise because it creates tension and suspense, this sets the scene because it tells you that the film will be fast and they don't have much time. This is good for thrillers as it gives you adrenaline so you are ready for what is about to come.

Also there is Non-diegetic which is the background music. It is a deep bass but it has been tuned to become sub bass, this is so you can't just hear it but you can feel it pounding on your heart making you scared and worried for the people.  It has also been made louder than the rest of the film increasing any emotions that you might have obtain by listening to it. This means that you are open to being scared which is important for the film as it is a thriller.

Talking is a part of a diegetic sound group. This is because you can see the where the sound is coming from. This sound is coming from the main characters in the group and especially the main character who sounds like he is in a hurry and is scared for what's about to happen. This makes tension between the characters and suspense and anxiety for the audience.

To conclude sound I found that it sets a very important tone to film and with out it you wouldn't be scared half as munch. Each type of sound is important as it gives different feelings and insight to what's about to happen or just to make you scared. Also the more sounds that are going on the more tense you become. I will use these in my film clip to get the audiences emotions overflowing with fear so it is easier to scare them and also to an idea to what is happening

1 comment:

  1. You have made a good start in analysing the sounds that are used in the film above and you have also included the correct terminology words too.

    However, when you are explaining the sounds you need to provide more detailed examples of the sounds that are used. Also you need to consider the emotions that it creates for an audience too.
