Monday 1 October 2012


   Mise en scene

Mise-en-scene is a media term, which has 5 categorise. These contain setting and iconography, costume, hair and make-up, facial expressions and body language, lighting and colour, and the positioning of characters. For this topic I am analysing “Prom Night”.

The first point I am analysing is the settings and iconography. There is a scene in a bedroom where there is the killer and the victim. The bedroom has broken lights and they are flashing and when they’re off they off the room turns really dark. The room looks untouched and natural but you can suspect that the killer is there because she is all alone. This scares the girl that is in there because she feels unsafe and then she walks into a lamp which makes her jump and the audience jump because we all expect it to be the killer. This creates suspense and makes everyone scared.

The lightings in this room also creates fear. This is because the lights are broken making the whole room dark. There are three light sources, the window light, which is the back lighting, the lights in the cupboards, which are the filler lighting, and the lights that are flashing are the main lights. These lights create a low key light, which makes shadows. Also the room is dark which resembles death and evil, which conveys someone is there but these are used to scare the character and the audience.

The facial expressions of the girl show that she is scared and worried. Her mouth is open and her eyebrows are lowered, and her eyes are open. This shows her emotions and this time she is scared, and shows innocence in the character. She is also walking backwards very slowly which shows she is scared and you know that something is about to happen.

Next I will be analysing the costume of the killer. The killer is dressed in a smart casual fashion, this shows that he could be fantasising about her and being her prom date. But he also has dark cloths, which shows that he doesn’t want to be seen. But he also has dark eyes and a scruffy unshaven face, this tells you about his life style and in this case he lives in a messy apartment working for a job that he doesn’t like, if he has one. But this dress code gives you an idea that he is a creep and a psycho.

The last point I will be analysing is the positioning of the character. All through the scene in the bedroom you notice the girl is always right up to the camera showing that she is the victim and the killer is a mid range to a long range to the camera showing the he is the killer because you can always see what he I doing. This tells the audience abut the characters and knows when something is about to happen creating tension.

To conclude mise-en-scene is a very important area to film. It creates suspense, fear and tension. I will use this in my video and I will use each area of it to create emotion and feelings to get the beigest impact as possible.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in analysing the mise-en-scene of the film above. You have included the correct five areas but you have not related to enough examples from the film. You need to provide more detailed reasons to support the points that you are making to show further understanding of the conventions.

    Also you need to expand on the points that you are making on the conventions too.
